Alan Montroso and Jaime Scibelli, Librarians at the Glenn Science & Engineering Library (GSEL), gave a presentation at the 2009 Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. on June 15th. Alan and Jaime, along with Dr. Roger Launius (current Chair of the Division of Space History at the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum and former NASA Chief Historian), talked about NASA's plans for manned missions to the Moon and Mars, and the collaboration between NASA scientists, engineers, and librarians that will help to make those plans successful. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session.
SLA described the session in the 2009 Conference Planner:
Mission to Mars: NASA Engineers and Info Pros Set Sights on Red Planet
The red planet has long lived in the imaginations of sci-fi writers, engineers and scientists. Now there's a concrete plan to send astronauts to Mars. This mission would not be possible without the vision, innovation and cooperation of many disciplines, including engineers and information professionals. Come listen to NASA personnel discuss the manned mission to Mars, and plan to be inspired!
The red planet has long lived in the imaginations of sci-fi writers, engineers and scientists. Now there's a concrete plan to send astronauts to Mars. This mission would not be possible without the vision, innovation and cooperation of many disciplines, including engineers and information professionals. Come listen to NASA personnel discuss the manned mission to Mars, and plan to be inspired!
Alan (Wyle IS) is the Embedded Librarian at GSEL, and currently works on building and maintaining the NASA Exploration Soils Bibliographic Database. Jaime (Wyle IS) is the GSEL Science Librarian.